Friday, June 29, 2012

Orange-Mango Gelato

Ice cream, sorbet, gelato...what's the difference? Check it out here.

Personally, I love this mango gelato swirled with raspberry gelato. The smooth, richness of the mango and the tart raspberries are a delicious -- and beautiful! -- blend. Or, garnish the orange-mango gelato with fresh raspberries, or a raspberry purée...  Blueberries would be fun to try, too.

3/4 C sugar
1 C milk
1 lb fresh mango*, cubed
1/3 C orange juice

Combine the milk, sugar, and mango in a saucepan; heat, stirring frequently, until sugar is completely dissolved. Cool to room temperature.

Place all ingredients, including orange juice, in a blender and process until smooth. Place mixture in ice cream maker for 20-25 minutes. If desired, transfer to an air-tight container to freeze for a firmer consistency.

* If mangoes aren't in season, you can used dried mango (reconstitute with orange juice) or frozen mango.

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