Saturday, February 2, 2013

Italian Meringue Vanilla Frosting

1½ C sugar
½ C water
½ C egg whites (4 or 5)
1½ C butter, softened
1 tsp vanilla
optional: food coloring

Mix sugar and water in small sauce pan; cook over high heat until syrup reaches 248°. While syrup is heating, beat egg whites until stiff, but not dry. Pour hot syrup in a thin, steady stream into whipped egg whites* with beaters running; continue to beat until mixture is  no longer hot. Cool to room temperature.

Beat in softened butter a little at a time, beating until butter is incorporated and mixture is smooth after each addition. Add vanilla (or another desired flavor extract) and food coloring, if desired.

* Pouring the HOT syrup into the egg whites cooks them, eliminating the danger of salmonella contamination associated with raw eggs.

Buttercream frosting can be refrigerated in an airtight container for up to a week. Bring to room temperature and re-beat to restore smooth texture.

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