Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Oven-Dried Tomatoes

I'm not a fan of raw tomatoes. Cooked, in soups and sauces especially...great! Just not impressed with them raw. Some of it is definitely a textural thing for me, but flavor too. So I'm not a good judge of a really 'good' tomato. Recently heard some friends (who ARE tomato lovers) complaining over the flavor as tomatos are not in season now, and read about how slow-roasting is the key to improving and concentrating flavor while slowly caramelizing their natural sugars. (I can definitely taste THAT!) I slow roasted cherry tomatoes -- it's what I had on hand, and trying out the process and getting to the point of sampling the results was much quicker with their smaller size. Fixed pasta and a salad for dinner last night and threw some of the tomatoes on both. They're awesome. They're still not raw. But I'm definitely a fan.

   That's it. Nothing else. No seasoning. No oil. Just naked tomatoes.

Line a baking sheet with parchment.
Cut tomatoes in half; place them cut-side up on parchment lined tray.
With larger tomatoes, I may try quartering them, but halves sit on the tray very nicely without leaking their juices out, so that might still be the best way to go.

Roast tomatoes at 200° F for 3-5 hours. The timing will really depend on the size of the tomatoes. They should be about the consistency of soft fruit leather...a subtle squish of moisture in the center, with a darker (but not too dark!), richer color, and curled edges.

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