Sunday, August 18, 2019

Blackberry Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

4 C fresh blackberries
1¼ C sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1½ C half-and-half
1½ C heavy cream
½ tsp salt
1 egg and 3 egg yolks
6 oz mini semis-sweet chips or chopped chocolate

Cook blackberries with ¼ cup sugar in saucepan over low heat 20 minutes until blackberries are very soft, broken and syrupy. Strain through sieve, using a spoon or rubber scraper to press as much through as possible. Stir in vanilla; set aside. Discard seeds and remaining pulp.

In a small bowl, beat together egg and egg yolks; set aside.

In saucepan, combine half-and-half, cream and salt and bring just to simmer. Temper eggs: very slowly, pour at least a cup of hot liquid into the eggs, whisking constantly. Pour all of egg mixture back into saucepan with half-and-half and cream. Return to simmer, stirring constantly until thickened (about 5 minutes). Remove from heat; refrigerate 1-2 hours.

Churn in ice cream maker according to directions. Stir chocolate chips/chunks into ice cream; Spoon into air tight container and freeze several hours or overnight.

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