Thursday, August 22, 2019

Romesco Sauce

3 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
3 T olive oil
 C blanched almonds*
2 tsp smoked paprika
pinch cayenne
1 12-oz jar roasted red peppers, drained
2 T sherry vinegar*
optional: bread crumbs

* I have nut allergies so I always make substitutions. I used pine nuts this time. I also substitued red wine vinegar this time as it's all I had on hand.

In small fry pan or sauce pan, cook sliced garlic in olive oil 3-5 minutes until it begins to brown. Add almonds (or pine nuts!), paprika and cayenne; continue cooking, stirring frequently, until nuts are toasted and golden (another 3-4 minutes).

Place drained, roasted red peppers and vinegar in blender with garlic, oil, nuts and spices; puree. (If it's a little thin... Romesco sauce is often thickened with bread, so feel free to throw in some bread or bread crumbs.) Season to taste with salt and pepper.

Serve with Garlic Roasted Cauliflower, roasted potatoes, fish, chicken...

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