Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Vanilla Pudding

MHS: Introduction to Foods & Nutrition*

2 C milk
½ C sugar
3 Tbls cornstarch
½ tsp salt
2 egg yolks
1 tsp vanilla
2 Tbls butter

      Separate eggs; put yolks in a small bowl and beat slightly. Set aside.

In a saucepan, combine milk, sugar, cornstarch and salt until smooth. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until mixture just begins to boil. Remove from heat; pour a small amount into bowl with egg yolks, stirring to combine. Return the mixture (with egg yolks) to the saucepan and blend; return to just boiling, cook for 2 minutes stirring constantly.

      Remove from heat. Add vanilla and butter, stirring until butter is completely melted and all ingredients are fully combined. Spoon or pour into serving dishes, if desired. Refrigerate; serve chilled.

Chocolate Pudding: increase sugar to 2/3 C; add 1/3 C unsweetened cocoa powder with dry ingredients

Butterscotch Pudding: use brown sugar instead of white

Coconut Pudding: stir in 2/3 C moist shredded coconut flakes as a final step

Almond Pudding: use almond extract instead of vanilla

Puddings can be used as: cream pie fillings; frozen (with popsicle sticks inserted) as frozen pudding-pops; layered with fruit, cookie crumbs, granola, whipped cream, etc.

* This recipe is one used in the introductory culinary course I teach.


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